Online Therapy
Online therapy is therapy in which the conversations are conducted online. The consultation room is therefore moving to an online environment. We use Zoom for this. This is an encrypted environment, which ensures your privacy.
Online therapy in your familiar place
The advantage of online therapy is that you can have conversations from where you feel most comfortable.
Online therapy has been proven to be effective and suitable for almost everyone who experiences mental complaints and would like help with them. It offers a solution for people who live abroad and who would like therapy in Dutch, for people who are very busy and do not have time to see a psychologist, and for people who have difficulty meeting on location due to a physical disability. Online therapy is also available in English.
Why choose online therapy?
- You would like to have sessions from your own(familiar) place, chosen by you
- You have a busy life and want to save travel time
- It is not possible for you to meet on location